ArMA’s Third Priority Bill Reaches the Ninth Floor
After a long and uphill battle, SB1377 received final approval from both chambers and is on the Governor’s desk. This bill protects physicians and their practices from frivolous lawsuits arising out of the COVID-19 pandemic, by codifying that a healthcare professional or institution is not liable for an act or omission arising from providing services related to the pandemic unless it can be shown by clear and convincing evidence that the act or failure to act was the result of willful misconduct or gross negligence. The legislation was touted by the Arizona Medical Association (ArMA) as a way to say “thank you” to the extraordinary efforts of so many who are serving as healthcare heroes during the COVID-19 pandemic, and legislators responded. When signed, it will make the Governor’s Good Samaritan Executive Order the law of the land regardless of the potential end to the public health emergency.
This is the third ArMA priority to make it to the Governor’s desk this year, and great news for Arizona physicians!