ArMA Joins Physician Organizations in Asking for Veto of SB1456
Last week, the Arizona Medical Association joined the Arizona chapter of the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology (AZ-ACOG), the Arizona Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP), and the Arizona chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics (AZ-AAP) in asking Governor Ducey to veto SB1456.
The bill prohibits comprehensive, age appropriate, medically accurate sex education for Arizona children. Creating access to medically accurate, comprehensive sexuality education by using an evidence-based curriculum and reducing sociodemographic disparities in its receipt remains a primary goal for improving the well-being of teenagers and young adults.
The letter prompts Governor Ducey to veto the bill, calling on the importance of sexual education and outlining what an effective program would entail:
“Sexuality education should begin in early childhood and continue through a person’s lifespan… Programs should not only focus on reproductive development prevention of STIs/HIV, and unintended pregnancy, but also teach about forms of sexual expression, gender identity, healthy sexual and nonsexual relationships, communication, recognizing and preventing sexual violence, consent, and decision making. They also should include state-specific legal ramifications of sexual behavior and the growing risks of sharing information online.”
Letter to Governor Ducey
SB1456 impedes access to this important education and is therefore harmful to an adolescents/student’s health. Further, it promotes curriculum that excludes LGBTQ+ students, which contributes to an unsafe school environment. Click here to read the letter.